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Ferrous metals
Ferrous metals are alloys of iron, and they usually stick to a magnet… BUT a common misconception is that steel is the only metal that attracts a magnet. There are three common elements that pull to a magnet, and those are iron, nickel, and cobalt. Examples of ferrous scrap: old automobiles, farm equipment, household appliances, structural steel, and anything else that was made from iron and steel.

Nonferrous metals
Nonferrous metals are generally non-magnetic (except for nickel and cobalt). Examples of nonferrous scrap are aluminum, brass, copper, zinc, lead, and nickel.

Green Waste
SA Organics Recycling collects clean green yard trimmings and processes them into high-quality organic soil amendments and mulches. Our highly managed process creates amendments that meet local and national standards for use in food production, landscaping, and turf applications.

Carbon plate steel products
Providing services nationwide, Carbon Plate Steel Products is a leading supplier of secondary steel plates. We combine our expertise and creative troubleshooting for custom projects to provide customers with carbon steel fabrications solutions of all kinds.